Sunday 18 August 2013

Another Christ

Another Christ
Every moment is an invitation for me to be
Another Christ… in my life.
It appears to be very simple,
Yet I tried to be and still I am myself.

It is to open myself to others,
Accept them without any  judgment.
It is judging others,
I am judging myself.

He went about doing good,
To all people, rich and poor, healthy and the sick.
The cosmos was his dwelling place
And all around him was his brothers and sisters.

He asks me in my prayerful moments
 To go and do the same.
Still I cannot do what you want from me.
I am worried about myself.

I am asked to be a neighbor
To all the people and to the nature.
How can I be a neighbor?
When I spend all my time in the virtual world.

Now I pray that I may be challenged by you,
In each and every moment of my life.
That I may less become myself

And more become You, my Lord.

Josephs SJ

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