Wednesday 31 July 2013

St. Ignatius in an ever changing world

The world where we live and preach the gospel is an ever changing world. Tastes and perspectives of the people are constantly changing.
The 21st century is a period of revolution in the field of science, technology and communication. The developments in technology make our lives comfortable, our communications faster and learning and sharing better. People stay connected as a single family with social networking sites. With all of the technology advancing, we are declining as a civilization. we can no longer think for ourselves, but instead are a slave to our screens. Social media is making the population addicted to knowing about one another, while distracting themselves from the major issues that plague us.

Ignatian spirituality becomes relevant and practical in this given context of our lives. Ignatian insights are helpful for the humanity to establish a right relationship with the self, others, nature and God.
1.  A right relationship with the self – as the life becomes faster to meet so many deadlines it becomes so mechanical that the people are not able to be in touch with the self. As a result they are anxious about many things. The nature of Ignatian spirituality is such that it is helpful to each particular person in his or her own circumstances.
2.  A right relationship with others – The love and companionship of St. Ignatius was beyond national, ethnic and linguistic boundaries. A strong bond of companionship existed among the first companions. The concept of union of hearts and minds is relevant in the context of this century.
3.  A right relationship with nature – For st. Ignatius the nature was not an illusion. The mediations on nature led ignaius to a number of mystical experiences. Ignatius was able to experience the dynamic present of the divine in nature. According to the Jesuit poet Hopkins, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God”. These Ignatian insights will take the humanity to an attitude of respect towards nature.
4.  A right relationship with God – Ignatius says in the principle and foundation about the purpose of life, it is  to praise reverence and serve God our lord. The other things on the face of the earth are created for the human beings, to help them in the pursuit of the end for which they are created.”
The insight of indifference to the other things on earth will be helpful for us to direct our lives in the context of the ever changing world of technology and consumerism. We need to use the technology and the resources to the extent that they help us to reach God experience.
Therefore we need to be up-to-date and be aware of the language and jargons of the century of technology to reach out to the people. Jesuits are called mystics in market place. According to Jerome Nadal, “For us Jesuits, Contemplation is compassion.”
Now let us pray on this occasion that we may have the vision of St. Ignatius with a new mission that is relevant and practical in this 21st century.

Joseph Shibin SJ

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