Monday 26 March 2012



He told “the session was a boring one”
I asked him, “what do you mean by boring and how do you look at it?”
“Why are you asking such a boring question?”
Can there be a creative element in boredom?
Something becomes a boring one when it is less interesting and making us feel tired and impatient.
Kierkegaard discovered three stages in life
1.    Aesthetic
2.    Ethical
3.    Religious
These are the ways we make our choices. Choices are taken lightly in the aesthetic stage. The aesthetic stage seeks selfish pleasure by refusing commitments. Aesthetic seeks only the immediate moment. The person in this world is wholly in the world of senses and is a slave to personal desires and moods.

Aesthetic stage is the stage of change, in this stage everything we experience must change constantly. I remember the words of my friend during my university studies. “Chicken biriyani is good, but I don’t want it every day”. We will even dislike the repletion and sustaining of the sweetest thing we  have in our life. No teacher on earth can continue to be a good teacher all the time for the students. Mind is  like  a monkey which constantly moves from one branch to another. Monkey is not satisfied with the bunch of fruit it has in the branch and it is all the time aspiring for the possible fruits in the neighboring branch. It all depends on   our desires.

Boredom is the experience the aesthetic wants to avoid. Everything that is boring becomes bad, boredom is a part of human life. Even Gods too felt boredom. The Gods were bored therefore they created human beings. Adam was bored because he  was alone. Therefore Eve was created. Since that moment  boredom  entered the world  and grew in quantity  in exact proportion  to the growth of population. Adam was bored alone . Then Adam and Eve bored together. Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel were bored (en masse). To amuse themselves, they hit upon  the notion of  building  a tower so high that it would reach  the sky. Because of boredom, the aesthetic human being goes on exploring  new possibilities . Necessity and boredom may be the driving force behind all the scientific inventions and discoveries. Necessity just initiated a movement  or an idea  but boredom , being not satisfied with the present moment  searching for greater heights and something different all the time.     

Is boredom all the root of all evils? Sensual pleasure is for only a moment,  and the same thing  repeats  itself over and over  endlessly. There is no lasting joy and satisfaction. Human beings always need to be the victor. He wants to make life better and comfortable. But the best life is always a possibility. In this case there are no principles. Man does not see woman as an individual, does not see the creation as the teleological centers of life. Boredom can either be creative or destructive. It depends on how we look at the boredom and exploring the ways out.
The Gods were bored, therefore they created human beings. Human beings are bored all the time and so they go on exploring new possibilities and reaching horizons new.

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