Sunday 16 February 2014

Poetry Review Be a Spark by Maria Mudasir

Be a Spark – Poetry Review by Josephs Cloud

Be a Spark is a collection of poems by a budding poet named Maria. I am very much fascinated by the titles given by the poet and most of them are inspiring and captivating. As we go through the poems we find a steady growth of expression from tangible to abstract. Many of the poems are blessed with beautiful choice of words. It is amazing to find a budding poet with a rich vocabulary and powerful style of expression. I am glad to say that poet Maria has some mystical insights into the life, which is manifested in her words. The Divine is very kind to give the words of wisdom the poets and the poets are considered to be the instrument of the Divine for creating a better world. Poets have a great role to play in a destitute time of the world. I am glad to find a young poet with a spark of life, love and wisdom. Great insights are communicated in a simple language.
Most of the poems are philosophical in nature, telling the human beings to be authentic in life by making radical choices in life. According to Heidegger, human beings are expected to stand out with an authentic living. A call to an authentic life is found in the words of Maria. Maria has a beautiful figurative language and her imageries are fascinating. She is very much comfortable with the poetic devices which occur naturally in her works.  There are some poems with a mystical experience of the reality where she finds it difficult to explain as the experience itself is difficult to be communicated. I feel that this book is worth reading and it will definitely create and ignite a spark within us reaching the entire humanity.
Here I tried to enter into the spirit of each works and my thoughts are randomly explained here.
Respect yourself - it tells about the need to love the self, according to Lord Buddha the self deserves our love more… your words are powerful. There is a need to be true to the self and Shakespeare said that we cannot cheat the self.
I underestimate myself – it is indeed a write asking the reader to get out of the narrow walls of underestimation of the self. We have some kind of poor self-esteem which does not allow us to excel in life. I love the word choice here and the expression of black hole is perfect. It is something like a crab mentality operating within us, ever pulling us back when we engage in some creative activity.
Angel in dark – a lovely poem with a fine choice of words. Here is a nice imagery and invites the reader to new horizons on interpretations.
My fake self - A powerful write on the relation between our inner and outer self. The success in life depends on the conformity between these two faces. The inner self is given and the outer self is made and interpreted. This poem asks the reader to be just to the inner self.
Don’t believe in again – A fine word choice in the poem gives the feeling of a battle happening within the self. The mind is a battlefield where numerous battles are fought and lost. That can be expressed as a volcanic eruption. Indeed a lovely write.
Explore before cursing - limits of human reasoning that cannot really understand the self. Only possible in a feeling level where we feel one with other. It tells that we see and interpret the reality as we are and not as it is. It tells the reader to pause for a while, reflect and understand the reality before making a comment on something or somebody. Nice word choice here depicts the emotional crisis within the poet.
Don’t blame me for your mess – it begins with a number of rhetoric. These questions remaining unanswered and setting up a platform for the poem. It talks about the importance of the other in challenging and making us and human beings find fulfillment in mutual interactions, life is a give and take process. The lovely word choice expressed the storm within the poet.
The only prayer – a beautiful prayer of a person before his best friend and Lord. Here God is coming closer to the person and listens to the promptings of the heart. The poet expresses a deep trust in the Lord and is sure that God will listen to her and the pains will fade away. This deep trust enables the poet to look at life in a positive way. These lines are touching,
We followers don’t get to walk straight we get stuck in the mid pathway we hold back to see we’re wrong Still don’t correct and it goes lifelong.

To, sensitive failures – A nice write with a good choice of words. It challenges the life which is engaged in fruitless battle of criticism. There is a powerful idea that failures are not mere failures.
See through other’s feel -   there is a difference between our perspective and the reality. It would be better if we get into their shoes. We often limit the others to the same without understanding and affirming the value of the other. A nice write with a simple and direct expression.
My gemstone marbles - Here is a nice imagery and a good choice of words. It is a metaphoric write and the words used here depict the beauty of life. The poet expressed her desire to reach a world where there is freedom.
Humiliation is a curse – a nice write on believing in the potentials of the self. The poet is hopeful and convinced that our lives depend on the way we think …
 I changed my thoughts and then was glad
We need to offer words of appreciation to the other rather than thorns of humiliation.
Friend inside is a friend unlike – it is indeed a nice write with a dance of words and the richness of word power of the poet is manifested here. It tells about the friend within us, probably the voice within us, the conscience, and the Divine voice.

Tired of tasks – This is a powerful write on human life and its various interactions. We have a number of questions in life, remaining forever. I like these lines very much.
‘Overwhelming fatigue has seized the soul Shrewd spirit can’t even mount the knoll Distraction and frustration obstruct things done Being spellbound never assisted anyone.’

Heat the glacier in me – This poem is a collection of symbolic expressions like glacier, dark angel, boiling blood and electric shock, which opens up a wide horizon of interpretations. I love these lines very much.
 ‘My hopes have returned, fantasy is just turning the reality to a whole new perspective, it’s up to me to now fill my hole.’
Show the unseen – Wonderful indeed. It is about the pilgrimage of the poet to see the unseen. It is possible if and only if we are ready to think and express with courage. It is filled with the positive strokes of the poet for the entire humanity to rise above narrow walls and to be liberated from the clutches of imprisonment.. These lines are beautiful…
Stood up where she dreamt all life Would be best for her, she might fly high And now her troubles couldn't let her fall Got her much strong to bring down them all.’
Try living in me - We can exist in different ways. We may lead an inauthentic and authentic life. It all depends on the choices we make. We are free to live in a dark cave of ignorance and in an open space of freedom… I love these lines of the poet, ‘Changing my mind was only just changing my destiny.
Final stand again – A lovely write on the nature of human being. Life is not static and we always search for a deeper meaning and that is the sign of life. At times we may think about the path we have already covered. We go ahead with the conviction that the fireflies of hope is always with us.
Let us take that risk – indeed a powerful write by the poet based on past experiences. We are born and brought up in a society where we are governed by a set of rules. But we know that those rules in a way break us rather than making us. But a courageous mind will always try to transcend the limits given by the society. Here is a touching part of the poem,
‘ I was fifteen and needed help but nobody noticed my presence Now I understand it was because I never did anything to prove it And I would rather walk on the thorns than letting it happen again Oh Father, let me out and reach those who need my hand in pain.’
Win the start, win it all – Here is a nice write on the capacity of the mind to make our life. It all depends on our attitude   towards life. The need of optimism is stressed here. Here is a wonderful line…
‘Following the voice, the start is all it takes; I fly my mind amazed at my ability to rule its ride.’
The scattered pages – it is a metaphoric write. We all try to make life meaningful with ever puzzle solving. Life may scatter our plans on the canvas of the world. Still we struggle to find a possible shape.
Way of life – It is a nice write on life and world view. It is composed of a nice imagery and a good choice of words. There is an interesting and meaningful stanza here,
You’ll always feel contented you’ll always find a road to where your heart calms down after trouble, this is how it goes.’
Have a go with the unjust – A great write on the importance of different events and persons in our life and their role in changing life. The moment of change can appear at any time. There is a nice choice of words.
You’re gone, that’s it – a nice elegy here. There is a spontaneous overflow of the feelings of the poet and the poet opens up the heart to the Divine. It speaks about the deeper relationship between the poet and the departed. The other is considered to be an angel and a guiding light.
Colorless shadow – it is a write with a figurative meaning. Colorless shadow depicts a past that was beautiful and has no relevance now. We need to forget the colorless shadows of the past to make life meaningful in the present as we advance to an unknown future.
Life goes on – A nice write with a sad tone. The word choice creates an imagery which is powerful. It is abstract in nature.
Goodbye without a goodbye – What a lovely choice of words! It creates a dark image in the mind of the reader. Metaphoric expressions in abundance. There is a constant move between abstract and tangible.
Beyond the clouds – It is more an abstract expression of the experience of the poet. It offers diverse possibilities of interpretation. More abstract forms of sense experiences are depicted here with a lovely choice of words.
Not dead, I am still alive – A great write with a deep feeling of love. The poet takes the reader to a state of emotional response, indeed a sad tone. The reader feels one with the characters here. It is made possible through the use of the right words.
Find my way back to life – it is a nice write with some spontaneous reflections of the poet in the form of some questions and statements. It depicts the complex reflection and analysis happening in the mind of the poet. The style and the word choice are very good.
Do what you do – Great write, indeed a metaphoric one asking the reader to live life, love life and love what we do. Short and sweet write.
Garden of nature – Here is a lovely metaphoric write. The concept of garden of nature is a figurative expression. It is made visible with a perfect choice of words.
Someone out there- A lovely write asking us to think about someone out there. It tells about the interdependence of life. We are connected in a cosmic web. Someone else is shedding blood for us. I love these lines very much,
‘Have you ever thought someone out there would be losing their life after a perfect song?’
One true love – Lovely write on real and eternal love. The poet explains the beauty of the Divine love. The world is designed in such a way that we turn towards the Supreme Being. There is a nice imagery here. I love this line very much,
‘Oh God, I wonder how you make your people turn to you’
Speed to infinity – a lovely write beyond space and time. It indeed has a mystical touch. Human heart has a constant tendency to go beyond the limitations of the spacetime continuum. Short and sweet.
Who said kids don’t make sense? – A nice write on the wisdom of children. The poet humble looks at the play of kids. I too feel that children have a lot to teach us. We miss in a way the childlike innocence and play and build castles and walls of separation and hate. Children are the same everywhere but the grown up may saw the seeds of hatred.
Astray we go and go double quick - This is a poem with a philosophical touch. Life becomes meaningful in making choices. Repetition adds beauty to the work. I love the way the poet looking at making choices in life,
‘Choice of two ways it’s natural to pick Astray we go and go double quick!’
Power of prayer in Rue – A nice write with a beautiful choice of words, gives the feeling of agony. It is more abstract and opens up different levels of interpretations.
Exit your little world – A write with a philosophical notion of worldview. A worldview is an integral part of our life, it goes on changing. The poet asks us to understand our worldview and to embrace the worldview of the other.
Night of nights- this write is beautiful with a nice rhyme scheme and rhythm. There is a spontaneous flow of words. It takes the reader to a wonderful world of joy.
Three seconds of dawn are gone – It begins with the expressions of the dreams of the poet to be one with the nature. The tone is very soft with a selection of soft and beautiful words. A beautiful imagery is present and it gives something for the reader to ponder over. I love these lines of the poet,
‘One who’s awake then enjoys every second Breath in and out of this freshness every moment.’
Modern life denies termination – This write begins with rhetoric. The poet makes a critique of the modern life where we take everything for granted and distorts the reality. It asks us to be grateful to the giver and to be one with the reality.
Promise the world – This is a great message for the humanity. It talks about love cutting across the geographical boundaries. The poet asks the people of different color to unite to build a better world.
Dreams outdoes the use – it begins with a few negations. The poet speaks about dreams and fulfillment in abstraction. The choice of words is excellent.
Fog eclipsing the eye of the mind – it is indeed a nice work on imagination. The poet praises the great gift of imagination which is activated by the fog. The inner eyes are opened up to the world of imagination. As Einstein said, Imagination is important than knowledge which is unlimited. I like these lines of the poet,
‘Fog eclipsing the eye of my mind Allows me to know but a little bit of truth A little light shining from the future I'm blinded to And that's what helps me to imagine better too…’
You are always achieving something – This poem is all about the purpose of life, it begins with a few valid questions raised by the poet. Our life becomes meaningful when our hands are extended to the needy. I like these lines of the poet very much,
‘So tell me if you think what you’ve achieved yet? Tell me how many people are happy of your existence?’
Love that found me – we come to a mystical level when we are touched with the tips of the wings of the Divine. The experience of the Divine love transforms us and we speak the language of love. It is indeed a mystical poem.
Glance deep, feel deep – This write speaks on beauty and art in an abstract language. It is blessed with a wonderful choice of words.
Dad’s biggest fan – A lovely write on the relationship between a father and a child.  It is more going towards an abstract expression blessed with a figurative language and symbols.
Be a spark – The final poem of the book tells about the greatest dream of the poet to be a spark in life… In the words of the poet,
‘Sometimes I wonder if I’d ever get a remark Remark of the experienced who escaped the dark By the lent of my hand, an episode of lark And what I want is to “Be” that spark.’

 Josephs Cloud

Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day

My World

let my soul wander
within the walls of your heart
there begins my world
there ends my world.... 

Josephs Cloud

Thursday 13 February 2014


Dissolving into the world of nothingness
pointless existence unanswered
broken wings and dreams dark
becoming alien to the self.

Forgetting my ways and being lost
imagination resisting to  spread wings
random strokes grow wild
frozen mind conceives emptiness.

Dark ink spills on black canvas
feeling lost in the game of words
remaining motionless, confused
to go up or to go down, forever.

Battle is lost and weapons missed
dreams not sprouting in tree of life
drowning into the depths all alone
leaving no footprints on sands of time.

Josephs Cloud


Aesthetics is one of my concerns and it is my area of research. I look at aesthetics from all the possible angles such as religious, philosophical, theological, neurological, sociological, evolutionary, psychological and cultural perspectives.
I think that beauty has a major role to play in life. Beauty is behind all the choices we make and the greatest choice is the one to live. Beauty plays its role in our clothes, food and even in relationships. We always look for the most beautiful as we are to make a choice in life regarding things, objects and people.


Aesthetics is the study of beauty and it is more philosophical. Defining aesthetics is a herculean task and it could be said as the human response to the beauty around us. It is the result of a complex brain process.  Aesthetic impulse is created in the brain as we encounter objects or works of art. Neuroaesthetics deals with the neurological foundation of aesthetic experience.
Orhan Pamuk says in My Na. “The beauty and mystery of this world only emerges through affection, attention, interest and compassion . . . open your eyes wide and actually see this world by attending to its colors, details and irony.” I think that the motivating factor or force behind our life will be beauty. Beautiful objects around us grab our attention and we fall into it. We feel more attracted to the beauty. As Kumaranasan, a famous Malayalam poet said, whoever be, a thief running from policemen, a renounced monk or anyone else will be attracted to the beauty of a flower. It does not mean that all will blindly be attracted to a flower still the person should have an open eye to the reality. Some people have a tendency to see always the darker side of reality and beauty will always be a distant reality for them. They feel that this world is a valley of tears and they believe that what we see as beauty is deceptive and the perfect beauty is not manifested here and that can be seen only in the other world. Only world affirming people can see and experience beauty around us.
People fall into depression and suicide as they cannot find beauty in life and in relationships. I always amaze and wonder at the breathtaking beauty of nature. During my travels, I never fail to be alert to the scenery the meadows, valleys, springs and hills covered with mist.  And I appreciate even the beauty of people too. I think that all the beauty we see around us is the reflection of a supreme beauty. That may be the Divine, I do not know.

The most beautiful

Orhan Pamuk said in The Museum of Innocence,  “If a person is happy enough to think he has reached the happiest moment of his life, he will be hopeful enough to believe his future will be just as beautiful, more so.”  It will be lovely to find the most beautiful and that will be a transforming experience in our lives. My life is a search for the most beautiful and I think that I will fall in love with the most beautiful. It can be an idea, a place or even an idea or thought. The search for beauty is simply amazing and our horizon of beauty is ever widening. Beauty is endless and it evolves. It is the most blessed gift of the Divine.
Beauty Never Pass into Nothingness
I try to find beauty in everything as Keats said in his poem, A Thing of Beauty. A thing of beauty is joy forever, its loveliness increases and never passes into nothingness. I hope that we can find beauty even in all sad incidents of life, may be in death too. I think that my study on beauty will enable me to make life more beautiful and help others to find beauty in their lives too.

Philosophical Aesthetics

Philosophical aesthetics is a discipline starting with Plato. Philosophers down the centuries have reflected upon beauty. Aristotle, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel and Heidegger are the major philosophers spend much of her thinking in the realm of art and aesthetics.
Aristotle believed that art has a key role to play in our lives. Schopenhauer believed that human beings are basically aesthetic, but he had a stereotypical understanding that women are unaesthetic sex and we cannot expect any solid work of art from them as they are emotional beings.  Kant wrote a book specifically for aesthetics titled, Critique of Judgment. It is about the aesthetic response of human beings to beautiful things and work of art. Kant believed that beautiful objects create a ‘disinterested delight’ in us. It does not mean that we do not want to possess the beautiful object before us. It means that this delight is not just to satisfy any emotional desire within us but it is just a delight for its own sake. It could be explained by considering Hobbes. Hobbes believed that whatever we do is just to satisfy some of the desires within us and we all are basically selfish. Hegel believed that art is the manifestation of the absolute spirit. And he believed that art had a key role to play in the past to reveal truth. And now with the coming of science there is no great role for art and art is dead. There is a much celebrated thesis of Hegel called the ‘death of art.’
I like most the insights of Martin Heidegger. Heidegger did not agree with Hegel and he believed that art has a key role to play in life. He believed that truth happens in art. Truth is revealed in and through art in a very special way.  According to him Human being (Dasein) is poetic, aesthetic, authentic and mortal. Human beings are aesthetic according to Martin Heidegger and Heidegger had an aesthetic and poetic concept of being. Heidegger became more aesthetic and poetic in the second half of his life. The writings of that period are more related to aesthetics, poetry and mysticism.

Aesthetic Dimension

Aesthetic dimension is present even in plants and in animals. Plants produce beautiful flowers and fruits to attract birds and other insects for reproduction. Some animals and birds prepare beautiful nest and dwelling places to attract their mates. A higher level aesthetic dimension is present among human beings; it is well developed in our level. Evolutionary psychology tells that beauty is an important aspect in the selection of partners as beauty is the result of order and harmony. Men will always look for beautiful women as partner for he believes that the beautiful girl is perfect and fertile to bring up his children.

Aesthetic Judgement

There are different views on the basis of aesthetic judgement. Some firmly believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. That is a limited perspective I would say. There should be an object there outside to be perceived and to be appreciated. We cannot have aesthetic judgment in vacuum. Aesthetic judgement thus has a subjective and objective dimension. However all the objects outside are not taking us to any aesthetic feeling. All the objects giving us aesthetic feelings are not artworks. Even natural things and scenery take us to aesthetics feeling. According to V S  Ramachandran artists are making use of certain techniques in their works of art to produce aesthetics feelings in us. They literally distort and change the reality that we may have some aesthetic feeling.

Concept of Beauty in an Ever Changing World

We are living in world of technology that goes on changing. Today’s technology becomes obsolete tomorrow and as a result many of us are becoming out of date and out of place since we are not introduced to the latest technology. The corporate world promotes a culture of efficiency and values are hardly respected. As a result human beings are alienated from the self, the other, nature and from God. Sebastian Kappen said in his book titled, Tradition Modernity Counterculture, that our lives become mechanical in an ever changing world of technology. Life becomes so mechanical that we forget to find beauty in eating, sleeping and even in mating.  I find that this observation is true and art and beauty have become things for art gallery and a commodity for sale. Female body and beauty are widely misused to promote a consumerist culture where there is no commitment. I feel the need of rediscovering our initial view of life that is basically aesthetic. Our forefathers had a life in tune with the nature and its seasons that helped them to have an attitude of love and respect to the nature and to the self. Nowadays we find the nature and the other as some commodities for our use. We need to have a new culture of philosophical aesthetes where beauty has a key role to play to make a happy living and to have a theological aesthetics which rediscover the beauty of religion to uproot the decaying anthropomorphic concept of God.

Josephs Cloud