Thursday 21 June 2012

Spirit - Movie review

Film: Spirit

Director : Ranjith

Cast: Mohanlal, Madhu, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Kaniha and Thilakan.

      This movie is  an attempt to answer some of the contemporary questions such as,

    Is it possible to  have a stable relationship amidst all the complexities of life?

    How can we make life meaningful in a situation where technology  and many other external elements like alcohol rule over the people?

      According to this movie, life  becomes  meaningful in a mutual affirmation and love. Technology  and spirit disrupt the rhythm of life. According to Meera, we cannot live our life with a computer though it is highly intelligent. So she  had to leave Raghu (Mohanlal), a man who  led a  mechanical  and a different way of life.

     Reghu  is an intelligent  and clever man.  He lived  in his own world and loved himself very much. Though  he is  a  public figure, he has not a single soul  to wish him  a good night and sweet dreams.  It is understood from the life  of Reghu  that the masterpiece of an  artist  is his life story itself which becomes completed only with the death of the artist. This is true even in the case of Sameer, a poet and  a thinker. He is forced to sell poetry  to make a living.His life tells that  poetry and  life are not  two different  concepts but are  one.  The poet sheds  his  blood to nurture the poetry and to  bring out his best.
This movie also criticizes  some of  the attitudinal changes in people of these days.

    Mobile phone and the shift happened in us  from person to person relationship  to a  virtual world. The device we have made controls us that we forget the people who are close to us and eats away our loving fellowship.

   The growing tendency  among Malayalees  to celebrate  anything and everything with liquor

    Our failure to trace  the root  cause of the problems  in the society.

   Mony (Nandhu) is not   merely a drunkard who represents  the contemporary  men who are  in the magical world of addiction. The addiction discussed in this movie may be towards wealth, power , wine and the other worldly attractions.

     A lot of attempts are there in this movie  to remove the barriers  built by the society and to establish a right  person-to-person relationship. Here  a bar  attender  is more than a  bar attender, a neighbor is more than a person staying in the next door but are people  who listen  to our mourns and wipe away our tears.

Joseph Shibin

Saturday 9 June 2012

Diamond Necklace- Movie review

Diamond Necklace - Review

‘Diamond Necklace’ is a Malayalam movie by Lal Jose.
It has something different to tell us.

This movie criticizes the state of ignorance in which the present young generation lives. It was done near the tallest building in the world Burg Khalifa, Dubai , the symbol of luxury life.It tells about the illusory nature of the world around us and also about the state of ignorance in which we are unable to move and to decide for ourselves.  What is real becomes unreal and what is unreal becomes real for us in this world.

According to the Hero, Dubai city is an illusion created by a magician and nothing is real in it except money. Then what about love and relationships and commitments. People become very much mechanical like the characters in the movie.

Dr.Arun represents the youth of today they face the hard reality of life and pretending to be happy. But the circumstances control his life and he is unable to move forward. Dr. Arun has multiple faces in this movie.

Dr. Savithri, a companion of Dr.Arun a symbol of the few people present in the world who are caring and loving and have a concern for others.

Maya is a character who is happy before the deadly cancer and she tells that
”I am not detached from life, but l live my life.”

Venuvettan is a person who is very much committed to the relationships. He is a man of self sacrifice. He is not shaken before the temptations of the dream city of Dubai.

Lakshmi is a character who is all the time in trouble as Dr.Arun. She loved Arun very much. Finally she knew that Arun left her. Still she is not going to curse his understanding his situation. She tells that she only knows to love not to hate anyone.